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发表于 2012-3-14 17:07:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



作为世界自然基金会印度宣布在印度的地球一小时的第四年,板球传奇人物Sachin Tendulkar已加入WWF印度手中,并承诺他的支持“​​地球一小时” - 世界自然基金会(WWF)全球运动,提高认识,激发个别行动迈向一个更好的环境。 As someone who inspires billions across India, the much loved sports star will be the face of Earth Hour 2012, encouraging individuals, organisations, institutions and groups, to be a part of the largest global environmental movement in history.激发全印度十亿美元的人,深受喜爱的体育明星将面对的“地球一小时2012,鼓励个人,组织,机构和团体,是全球最大的环保运动历史的一部分。 The big switch off will be observed on 31st March 2012.将遵守2012年3月31日的大开关关闭。

Supporting the cause, Sachin Tendulkar expressed, “It is heartening to see how a single action of switching off lights for Earth Hour can bring the world together to pledge action towards a better environment.支持的原因,邓德家表示,“这是令人振奋的看到如何关掉灯”地球一小时的行动可以带来世界的共同承诺实现一个更好的环境行动。 I am happy to be a part of this movement and encourage others to participate as well.我很高兴能成为这个运动的一部分,并鼓励其他人参与,以及。 Last year, Earth Hour reached out to over a billion people with a little over 6 million Indians participating in this global show of support.去年,“地球一小时达到超过10亿人,超过600万印度人在参与这个全球性的支持显示。

This year, Earth Hour India aims to inspire citizens to take action for cities by switching off lights to make their city the Earth Hour Champion.今年, 印度地球一小时,旨在激发公民采取行动城市,关掉灯,使他们的城市“地球一小时”冠军。 The concept is simple: whichever city receives maximum participation from its citizens, organisations, institutions and government will be declared the Earth Hour Champion.这个概念很简单:任何城市获得最大的公民,组织,机构和政府的参与将被宣布为“地球一小时”冠军。 That city will set an example of exemplary achievement and the power of individual action behind a common cause.这个城市将设置一个模范的成就和个人行动的一个共同的事业背后的权力的例子。 While six mega cities- Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore participating in the race to become the Earth Hour Champion, WWF-India encourages participation from other Indian cities as well.虽然在比赛中的6个特大城市,德里,孟买,加尔各答,钦奈,海得拉巴和班加罗尔,参与成为“地球一小时”的冠军,世界自然基金会,印度以及鼓励印度其他城市参与。 To mobilise people to be a part of this initiative, WWF-India will also partner with other icons and public figures across the country.调动人是这项倡议的一部分,世界自然基金会印度还将与其他图标和全国各地的公众人物合作。






作为保育,我的首要目标是保护野生动物种群和坚持“全球社区的生活和动物福利和环境的尊重。 作为公众人物,我的社会责任是让世界了解不良影响动物的问题。


每年在日本,一个有争议的海豚车程的地方。 狩猎发生在一个内部的和歌山县海舒展太极拳作为一个渔村。 “爆竹船”渔民的水域巡逻,跟踪整个吊舱的海豚。 对他们的小船低于海平面的金属棒敲打,渔民操纵海豚敏感的声纳,可怕,放牧削弱和混淆的动物远离他们惯常航线出海前,他们通过追逐累人。 相反,在企图逃跑的墙壁的声音,海豚对宁静的海湾渔民,直立网捕获的海豚内逃离。 从岸上,个人代表世界各地的海洋哺乳动物公园选择在各自的场地出口到圈养海豚的百分比。 不选择在囚禁生活的海豚被屠杀,一个接一个,并加工成肉类产品。 在每个赛季结束时,向上一万海豚可能会失去自己的生命。

的大屠杀,超过6个月从9月至3月期间发生的,是奥斯卡奖的获奖纪录片的主题变成海豚湾,由国家地理路易Psihoyos主演的前鳍状肢教练活动家里克O'Barry(保存里克O'Barry的日本海豚,海豚项目)。 蓝色的大海图片翻了全世界人民的血腥红色闹鬼百万,并聘请了众多高知名度的名人,包括奥普拉,珍妮弗·安妮斯顿和本·斯蒂勒。



我如果挑战成功,我将加入这些人作为湖卫研究,记录和分发结果,并从太极的画面,提供额外的意识,并提供了一​​个新的过程中存在的“地球一小时”。 和你有能力有所作为 - 所以我IWIWY的的挑战,只有购买鱼,海豚安全认证的产品。



在困难的时候,哪里寻找灵感呢? 悲伤的解药在哪里找到? 对希腊的答案是生命茂盛。 鉴于全球经济危机,世界自然基金会希腊是个人与地球一小时“2012年运动。 人被邀请参加自己的消息,支持节约保护了自然环境。

今天许多人认为,作为奢侈品的保护,尤其是当时间是艰难的。 希腊对面看台上 - 希腊人,保护不是一种奢侈品。 这是一种必然。 拯救希腊的天然资源,使国家获得的回报自然还给。 我们可以节省“逃生”,“橄榄油”,“大蓝”,最终,“希腊的骄傲”。

有了这种理性的希腊,世界自然基金会地球一小时“的参与者被要求使用一个Facebook应用程序 ,在那里他们可以上传和分享他们认为可以保存在努力保护环境的讯息。

在3月31日(星期六)20:30,地球一小时希腊将连接我们可以节省灯光关闭事件的消息。 这将是他们的信号,表明储蓄性质,我们可以节省很多。

South Africa: All Set For An Amazing Earth Hour 2012


South Africa shows it's ready to Dare the World to Save the Planet.




This year's campaign comes with the slogan "I will if you will," challenging people around the world to do more than just turning off the lights and unnecessary electric applicants for one hour for environmental causes.今年的竞选的口号是“我会来,如果你愿意,”挑战世界各地的人们做更多不仅仅是关闭灯光和环境的原因一小时的不必要的电动申请人。

Billions of people and communities in different countries are encouraged and challenged to do more for the environment, with actions ranging from recycling print papers, using environmental-friendly light bulbs, growing more greens to using more renewable energy sources, Andy Ridley, Earth Hour Co-Founder & Director said.在不同国家的人民和社区的数十亿美元鼓励和挑战的环境,从回收打印文件的行动,使用环保灯泡,使用更多的可再生能源越来越果岭,安迪·里德利,“地球一小时”合作的创始人和主任说。

After three years in Vietnam, Earth Hour has developed into a social activity well-recognized and supported by individuals, state agencies and private entities.在越南三年后,“地球一小时”已经发展成为公认的一种社会活动和个人,国家机构和私人实体支持。

From 6 participating provinces in 2009 when Earth Hour was first held in Vietnam, last year the environmental event swept through 30 provinces in far northern Vietnam like Lang Son, Lao Cai, Thai Nguyen to the southernmost part of the country like Kien Giang and Ca Mau.共有6个省份在2009年参加“地球一小时”首次在越南举行时,去年席卷至30日在遥远的越南北部省份如谅山,老街,泰国阮像建江和瓯国最南端的部分环境事件。

This year WWF Vietnam will not directly hold Earth Hour activities but concentrate more on providing know-hows and consulting.世界自然基金会越南今年将不会直接持有“地球一小时”活动,但集中在提供知道怎样和咨询的更多。

Earth Hour 2012, the world's largest volunteer activity of human, drawing the participation of millions around the world, will be held from 8.30 pm – 9.30 pm on March 31 in Vietnam.地球一小时2012年,世界上最大的人类志愿者活动,绘制数百万世界各地的参与,将3月31日在越南举行,从晚上八时三十分 - 下午9:30。


周六3月31 8:30下午以百万计的世界各地的人们将关闭一小时的灯,以要求对气候变化的行动。但是,这仅仅是个开始!



访问您当地的图书馆或社区中心 - 保证您的支持“地球一小时,由手电筒在一个特殊的故事时间的一部分,在您的图书馆或拿起您的孩子的活动页面。




2011 had it all! 2011了这一切! With some big successes, but a fair share of challenges too.随着一些大的成就,但太公平份额的挑战 From the introduction of a carbon price in Australia and the World Heritage Listing of Ningaloo Reef, to a crisis facing our marine turtles in the Great Barrier Reef, and disappointing progress on climate change at Durban.从碳价格在澳大利亚和宁哥路珊瑚礁的世界遗产名录,引进到我们的海龟在大堡礁,令人失望的进展,在德班气候变化所面临的危机。

I was inspired by the WWF-Australia team who were in the thick of the action in all of these and more, fighting for real outcomes for nature.我的灵感来自世界自然基金会,澳大利亚队在厚在所有这些和更多的行动,争取对大自然的实际成果。 Our supporters who stood beside us in 2011 gave us our strength.我们的支持者在2011年站在我们身边,给了我们力量。

As the team and I reflect on a long list of urgent conservation challenges for Australia, I wanted to share my top five wish list for 2012.作为球队,我在长长的名单反映了澳大利亚的紧急保护挑战,我想分享我的五大愿望清单于2012年。

1. The biggest and best network of marine protected areas in the world 1。 在世界海洋的最大和最好的网络保护的地区

We are a coastal nation, and our oceans are home to some of the greatest biodiversity on the planet.我们是一个沿海国家,我们的海洋是一些这个星球上最大的生物多样性。 But today only 10 per cent of Australia's oceans currently have some form of protection.但是,今天只有10%%,目前澳大利亚的海洋有某种形式的保护。

2. A resilient Great Barrier Reef 2, 有弹性的大堡礁

In 2012 we're working towards a resilient Great Barrier Reef and greater protection for the the species that call the reef home by reducing farm chemical run-off, eliminating pesticides, and protecting critical species like turtles, dugongs and coastal dolphins.在2012年,我们对弹性大的大堡礁和更大的打电话回家礁,以减少农药流失,消除农药,像乌龟,儒艮和沿海海豚和保护的关键物种的物种保护工作。

3. The introduction of the carbon price and stronger renewable energy targets 3, 引进碳价格和更强的可再生能源目标

If 2011 was all about a price on carbon, 2012 sees the urgent need to continue to work with key stakeholders, including politicians, businesses, WWF supporters and the Australian public to transition Australia towards 100 per cent renewable energy, and ensure the Australian government contributes to securing a fair, ambitious and legally binding global agreement to tackle climate change.如果2011年是所有关于碳的价格,2012年认为,迫切需要继续努力与关键利益相关者,包括政界,商界,世界自然基金会的支持者和澳大利亚公众对100%的可再生能源过渡澳大利亚,并确保澳大利亚政府贡献确保一个公平,雄心勃勃和具有法律约束力的应对气候变化的全球协议。

4. Sustainable Seafood 4。 可持续海鲜

This year we will see our transformational fisheries partnerships improve the sustainability of the seafood supply chain in Australia, and educate consumers about sustainable seafood choices.今年,我们将看到我们的转型渔业伙伴关系提高在澳大利亚的海鲜供应链的可持续性,并教育消费者关于可持续海鲜选择。 With Sustainable Seafood Day on March 16th approaching fast, it is a great opportunity to remind friends and family of the importance of buying certified sustainable seafood.随着可持续海鲜节 3月16日快速逼近,它是一个很好的机会,提醒朋友和家庭购买经认证的可持续海鲜的重要性。

And last but not least…最后但并非最不重要的......

5. A successful Earth Hour 2012 5。 一个成功的“地球一小时”2012年

How easy is it to get 1 billion people uniting to protect the planet?获得1亿人团结起来,保护地球是多么容易? Well in 2012, Earth Hour will do just that.在2012年,“地球一小时”将做到这一点。 Earth Hour is a WWF initiative that symbolises the collective power of individuals, businesses and governments to reduce our environmental impact on this one and only planet we call home. “地球一小时”是世界自然基金会的倡议,象征着个人,企业和政府的集体力量,以减少我们对这个唯一的地球环境的影响,我们家里打电话。

From its beginnings in one city (Sydney), Earth Hour has grown to millions of people in over 5,000 cities across 135 countries - a truly global community committed to creating a more sustainable planet.从一个城市(悉尼)的开端,“地球一小时”已成长为横跨135个国家超过5000个城市中数以百万计的人 - 一个真正的全球社区,致力于创造一个更可持续的行星。

- -

So our ambitious wish list for conservation for 2012 is just that.因此,我们雄心勃勃的保护愿望清单2012年就是这样。 Things that we can do this year that makes a difference and that will help transform the way that we live on this planet to ensure there is future in which humans and nature thrive.就是我们可以做今年有差别,这将有助于转变方式,我们生活在这个星球上,以确保有未来,人与自然兴旺。



The City of Ipswich will again be participating in Earth Hour on Saturday 31 March 2012.伊普斯维奇城将再次参​​加2012年3月31日星期六在“地球一小时”。 Earth Hour is a world-wide initiative raising awareness on important environmental issues such as energy saving and greenhouse gas emissions through the simple act of turning off lights for one hour between 8.30 and 9.30pm on 31 March. “地球一小时”是一个全球性的倡议,提高对重要的环境问题,如节约能源和温室气体排放量,通过简单的3月31日上午八时三十分至下午九点半小时关闭灯光的行为意识。

I encourage all Ipswich residents and businesses to participate and spread the word to your friends and colleagues, wherever they may be, about this opportunity to engage with people all over the world who share a common concern for our environment.我鼓励所有伊普斯维奇居民和企业的参与和传播有关这个机会与世界各地的人都有一个共同关心我们的环境,从事文字您的朋友和同事,无论他们在哪里,。

It may be only an hour, but to our planet it is so much more.这可能是只有一个小时,但我们的星球,这是这么多。 Earth Hour makes us all reflect on what we can do to help preserve the resources of our planet. “地球一小时”让我们都反映了我们能做些什么,以帮助保护我们这个星球上的资源。

Below are a range of links to information about Earth Hour, how you can become involved and how you can be a part of the global community committed to creating a more sustainable planet.下面是链接到地球一小时,你如何能成为参与以及如何你可以是一个全球社会的一部分,致力于创造一个更加可持续的行星信息的范围。

Earth Hour 2012 Competition “地球一小时”2012年比赛
For residents of the Ipswich Community we are looking for your ideas about the best way to spend Earth Hour on 31 March.对于伊普斯维奇社区的居民,我们正在寻找你的想法,把钱花在3月31日“地球一小时”的最佳方式。

Creators of the five top ideas will be rewarded with a $50 voucher for "Climate Smart Home Service" .前五名的想法的创造者,将奖励50元券为“气候智能家居服务”。 Put your thinking caps on and enter your ideas by clicking the link below.把你的思维帽上,并通过点击下面的链接进入你的想法。 All ideas will be posted on Council's website to help our community make the most of Earth Hour.所有的想法,将被张贴在局的网站,以帮助我们的社会,使“地球一小时”最好。










发表于 2012-3-19 09:18:33 | 显示全部楼层
“梦想独立团,骑行渭河全程"行记 http://forum.gsean.org/read-htm-tid-88709.html 简单,自然。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-19 10:11:38 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-19 12:52:16 | 显示全部楼层


The human population is consuming resources at a faster rate than ecosystems can regenerate them, and we currently use the equivalent of 1.5 planets' worth of natural resources to support our activities.* From melting sea ice in the Arctic to a looming deforestation disaster in the Amazon, coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef to a drought induced famine in the Horn of Africa.人口以更快的速度超过生态系统的可再生资源消耗,我们目前使用的相当于1.5行星的自然资源的价值,以支持我们的活动。*从北极海冰融化,在即将到来的毁林灾害亚马逊,在大堡礁的珊瑚白化在非洲之角的旱灾引起的饥荒。 It's time to act.这是采取行动的时候。
This is a global problem that requires a global solution.这是一个全球性问题,需要一个全球性的解决方案。 In 2012, the largest voluntary action for the environment, Earth Hour, is using the “I Will If You Will” campaign to inspire people all over the world to adopt urgently needed sustainability practices.在2012年,对环境最大的志愿行动,“地球一小时”,“我如果你会”活动,以激励世界各地的人们,迫切需要采取可持续发展的做法。
For the first time, Earth Hour will extend to the International Space Station, where ESA astronaut and WWF ambassador Andre Kuipers will keep watch over our imperiled planet as the lights switch off on 31 March, sharing photos and live commentary of his experience via the European Space Agency (ESA).首次“地球一小时”将延伸到国际空间站,欧洲航天局宇航员和世界自然基金会大使安德烈奎伯斯的将超过我们的危及地球保持手表的灯关掉3月31日,分享照片和现场解说,他的经验,通过欧洲航天局(ESA)。
Kuipers said he is thrilled to participate in Earth Hour and take the globally significant movement to a new level, “There is no better way to raise awareness for the future of the most beautiful planet in the universe!”奎伯斯说,他很高兴参加“地球一小时”到一个新水平,并采取全球意义的运动,“有没有更好的办法是提高认识宇宙中最美丽的星球的未来!”
Earth Hour Co-founder and Executive Director, Andy Ridley said everyone from citizens to businesses, school children to world leaders, need to believe they can make a difference, and act. “地球一小时”共同创始人和执行主任安迪·里德利说,每个人都从公民到企业,学校的孩子到世界各国领导人,要相信自己可以有所作为,并采取行动。
“The state of our planet effects each and every one of us. “我们这个星球的影响我们每一个国家。 Last year Earth Hour reached 1.8 billion people across the planet, this year through digital media we are offering a greater opportunity to connect people with the desire to take much needed action for the environment,” said Ridley.里德利说,“去年”地球一小时“整个地球达到1.8亿人,今年我们提供更大的机会,连接人与环境的愿望,采取急需的行动,通过数字媒体。
Earth Hour is also collaborating with YouTube to provide the world's leading platform for people to empower friends, family, colleagues and organisations to take urgent action in the short term, in order to fulfill long-term environmental goals. “地球一小时”也与YouTube合作,为人们提供世界领先的平台授权的朋友,家人,同事和组织采取紧急行动,在短期内为了实现长期的环保目标。
Nathi Mzilenzi, a young boy from Swaziland who organised Earth Hour in his town Shimunye (population 5,633) in 2010 when he was 15 years old, continues to inspire his community to participate in Earth Hour. nathi Mzilenzi,谁在2010年举办“地球一小时”在他的的镇Shimunye(人口5,633)时,他才15岁的小男孩从斯威士兰,继续激发他的社会参与“地球一小时”。
This year, the high school student has encouraged Swaziland's Big Game Parks to issue an “I Will If You Will” challenge to Thembelisha Preparatory School, if they clear the main road of litter three times a year.今年,高中学生鼓励斯威士兰的大游戏园,发出“我如果将”挑战到Thembelisha预备学校,如果他们清除一年三次产仔的主要道路。
On the other side of the world, Italian pianist and composer Christian Calcatelli has undertaken to play an 8-hour live concert over the Internet if 5000 people commit to taking up recycling.在对方的世界,意大利钢琴家和作曲家基督教Calcatelli已在互联网上进行播放8小时的现场演唱会5000人,如果承诺采取了回收。
“Switching off for one hour is an awesome way to realise that it's small actions that can have a great impact on the well-being of our one and only planet,” said Calcatelli. “切换为关闭一小时,是一种可怕的方式来实现,它是小的行动,可以有一个很大的影响上,我们唯一的地球福祉,说:”Calcatelli。 “You can see how Earth Hour becomes a catalyst for change, you apply the concept beyond the 60 minutes and into various areas of life and it becomes a commitment,” he said. “你可以看到”地球一小时“如何成为变革的催化剂,适用于你的概念超出了60分钟,到生活的各个领域,它成为一个承诺,”他说。
You can accept and make your own Earth Hour challenges at www.youtube.com/earthhour and follow Earth Hour's news stories at facebook.com/earthhour and twitter.com/earthhour您可以接受,使自己的“地球一小时”挑战网址:www.youtube.com / earthhour,并按照在facebook.com / earthhour和twitter.com / earthhour的“地球一小时”的新闻故事
Global icons the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the vast Coral Triangle are using Earth Hour to highlight the impact climate change has on both coral habitats and the abundant marine life, and both have created YouTube videos offering ways people can help sustain the endangered areas.全球的大堡礁在澳大利亚和广大的珊瑚三角图标使用“地球一小时”,以突出的影响气候变化对珊瑚的栖息地和丰富的海洋生物,都创建YouTube视频提供的方法可以帮助人们维持濒危地区。
Famous faces around the world are also speaking out to encourage participation and support for Earth Hour.世界各地的著名的面孔也讲出来,以鼓励参与和支持“地球一小时。
From environmental activist and former US vice-president Al Gore, who is urging people everywhere to switch off their lights on 31 March in a video message recorded from Antarctica, to legendary Canadian Ice Hockey player, Scott Niedermayer.从环保活动家,美国前副总统戈尔,敦促世界各地的人们,他们的灯关掉3月31日从南极记录的视频信息,以传说中的加拿大冰球球员,斯科特Niedermayer。
The National Hockey League, the premiere North American professional ice hockey league, has made an Earth Hour pledge to change the way the sport approaches energy consumption.首演北美职业冰球联赛,全国曲棍球联赛,取得了“地球一小时”承诺,改变了这项运动接近能源消耗。
“When it comes to winning the fight against climate change, it's clear that we all need to work together,” said Niedermayer who is also a WWF Canada Freshwater ambassador. “Niedermayer说:”当它来打赢应对气候变化的斗争,这是明确的,我们都需要共同努力,也是世界自然基金会加拿大淡水大使。 “By joining Team Earth Hour, we can work together for a sustainable future.” “加入Team地球一小时”的,我们可以为一个可持续发展的未来。“
As an open sourced campaign, Earth Hour uses social media to connect a global community of people inspired to change the world we live in.作为一个开源的活动,“地球一小时”使用社交媒体连接全球社会改变我们所处的世界启发人
Earth Hour has grown from a one-city initiative in 2007, to a 5,251 city strong global movement, last year reaching 1.8 billion people in 135 countries across all seven continents.从一个城市的倡议,在2007年“地球一小时”已经成长,1 5,251城市强大的全球运动,在所有七大洲135个国家去年达到1.8亿人。
Earth Hour 2012 will take place at 8.30pm – 9.30pm on Saturday 31 March晚上八时三十分,“地球一小时”2012年将采取的地方 - 上周六31日下午9时30分三月
* The Ecological Footprint was calculated by the Global Footprint Network in the 2010 Living Planet Report生态足迹是全球足迹网络计算,在2010年地球生存报告
Media Contact:媒体联系方式:
Rebecca George, Earth Hour Global, Rebecca@earthhour.org +61 421 988 035丽贝卡·乔治,地球一小时全球,Rebecca@earthhour.org +61 421 988 035
Benjamin Vozzo, Earth Hour Global, Benjamin@earthhour.org +61 415 194 219本杰明Vozzo,地球一小时全球,Benjamin@earthhour.org +61 415 194 219
About Earth Hour关于地球一小时
Earth Hour is a global environmental initiative in partnership with WWF and Leo Burnett. “地球一小时”是一个全球性的环境与世界自然基金会和李奥贝纳合作倡议。 Individuals, businesses, governments and communities are invited to turn out their lights for one hour on Saturday March 31, 2012 at 8:30 PM to show their support for environmentally sustainable action.个人,企业,政府和社区的邀请,把他们的灯一小时2012年3月31日,星期六下午8:30,以显示他们的支持环境可持续发展的行动。 In 2012, Earth Hour's I Will If You Will concept invites individuals and organisations to challenge others to an ongoing environmental commitment beyond the hour.在2012年,“地球一小时是我如果将概念邀请小时的环保承诺不断超越挑战他人的个人和组织。 Earth Hour began in one city in 2007 and by 2011 reached over 1.8 billion people in 135 countries across every continent, receiving reports as 'the World's largest campaign for the planet'.在一个城市在2007年“地球一小时”开始,到2011年达到了横跨各大洲的135个国家超过1.8亿人,作为世界上最大的行星的运动“的报告。
About WWF关于世界自然基金会
WWF is one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organisations, with almost five million supporters and a global network active in more than 100 countries.世界自然基金会是世界上最大的和最受人尊敬的独立自然保护组织之一,有将近500万支持者和活跃在100多个国家的全球网络。 WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the earth's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.世界自然基金会的使命,以阻止地球自然环境的恶化和以建立1日后在人类与自然和谐相处的生活,保护全球的生物多样性,确保,使用可再生自然资源的可持续发展,并促进减少污染和浪费资源的消费。








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发表于 2012-3-19 23:58:47 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵   好吧,在了解各地动态的同时,还能好好学习英语啊。世界各地一起为环保努力、加油···················










发表于 2012-4-18 23:39:19 | 显示全部楼层
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